Utilization Management
what we do
Comprehensive (prior authorization, pre-payment, or post-payment) utilization management focused on getting the right care that aligns with evidence-based criteria and is in the right setting including with in-network/preferred providers.
how we do it
From working closely with commercial, Medicaid, Medicare, and other insured populations, we understand that individuals are confronted with varying challenges to accessing and obtaining medical care and other support resources. Some are also more prone to isolation and decline due to health problems. Some are also more at risk for negative outcomes, as well as substance abuse and other behavioral health issues.
Our UM offerings are geared toward addressing and reversing those trends by ensuring that providers are directing members to the most appropriate services when they need them – and where they need them.
Behavioral Health Crisis Services | Medical Adult Day Care Validations |
Brain Injury, Medical Adult Day Care, Community Services, PACE, Model Waiver (which include Rare and Expensive Medical children) Programs | Minimum Data Set Audits |
Children’s Mental Health Programs | Long Term Care/Nursing Facilities |
Chronic Adult/LTAC Hospitals | Specialty Pediatric |
Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Reviews for Applied Behavior Analysis | Specialized Reviews (Medical Education and Intervention Team to identify providers with many quality-of-care issues, providers identified as a heavy-opioid prescribers and ones that may be over-utilizing services |
Extended Home Health Reviews |
Why Choose Telligen?
Our NCQA-aligned, URAC-accredited Qualitrac tool helps us efficiently manage the review process, identify and address utilization patterns, reduce provider burden and streamline data exchange between us and our clients.
- Average ROI of 5:1 for Medicaid UM
- Reduced Inpatient Admissions by 10%
- Average ROI of 7:1 for Commercial UM
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utilization management