Value-based Reimbursement Models
what we do
Telligen provides the tools and expertise to assist payers in designing, implementing, accurately measuring data needed for and reporting for value-based reimbursement systems. Telligen works with a plan’s providers so that they can understand the reimbursement models, track their progress, and address concerns. We bring a high level of expertise that has been used by CMS is data measure development and education providers.
how we do it
Telligen has been helping clients successfully implement and manage their quality reporting and value-based reimbursement programs for almost 20 years. With innovative products and expert services, we provide solutions across all aspects of Quality Measurement and Reporting.
A sample of our work includes:
- Educating clients’ providers on value-based reimbursement systems.
- Implementing the first iteration of national quality reporting programs for CMS, including Hospital Quality Reporting, the Pioneer ACO, Oncology Care Model, Comprehensive Carte for Joint Replacement (CJR), and Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC and CPC+).
- Providing the Care Measures application for Providers to track quality and proactively manage gaps in care.
- Developing the Measure Authoring Tool to allow measure developers to create standardized electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM).
- Comprehensive data management and reporting solution for HEDIS and non-HEDIS measures.
- Efficient Medical Record retrieval and abstraction tools for hybrid measures.
Why Choose Telligen?
Telligen has the deep understanding of design of reimbursement models, development of measures, working with clients to obtain data (including specialized FHIR consulting) and educating providers needed to assist client develop and successfully implement value-based reimbursement models.
Telligen has worked with CMS at the forefront of development and implementation of some of the leading value-based reimbursement models in use today and the measures to make them effective.
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value-based reimbursement models

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